Aug 25, 2013

My New Baby (Yashica FX-3 Super 2000)

Hi bloggers! I'm so happy to tell you that I got my Yashica FX-3 last week that I bought from a buy-and-sell site available for Filipinos. Just to give you a gist, Yashica FX-3 Super 2000 was released in 1970. Compare with other SLR cameras, it is not as pricey as you think. The good thing about this camera to is that it is very easy to use and very lightweight. Actually, it is my first time to use Single Reflex Lens camera because my camera shelf contains point-and-shoot toy cameras but I salute this camera for being user-friendly. Although it still needs some cleaning (external parts have rust) and lubrication (the self-timer seems to go back to its original position for hours), I'm definitely gonna use it!

35mm-70mm kit lens

Currently loaded with Kodak Color Plus 200

The self-timer is really rusty and needs lubrication

Will post the pictures after I process it. If you're using the same camera, I'd like to know! I need tips! Thank you guys! :) 


  1. That looks very impressive.


  2. We are looking for a new camera! This one looks great I'll be checking it out :) We have just started following your blog and love it! Maybe you would like to check us out and follow back?
